Thursday, 19 January 2012


jadijaaadi hari minggu kemaren gue tuh niatnya pgn ngerjain b.i kan dirumah amiraaah. tapi pada gak dateng gitu jadinya cuma gue doang yg datengT-T.
nyampe rumah amirah gue kira cuma berdua kan sama amirah, ternyata ada ALIFAAA!. sodaranya ameeerah
pertama kali ketemu kan tuh gue sama die jadinya krikkrik gitu. 
tapitapi abis itu kita ke kamar amirah terus ke atasnya DAN NONTON SCREAM 1.
matiin lampu kan tuh. terus alifa pgn duduk di tengah PADAHAL KALO NONTON FILM HORROR BER3 YG DUDUK DI TENGAH MATI DULUAN HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. tapi alaifa soksok gacaya gituu.
ya terimakasih sekali pada pemain scream 1 tapi maaf baru satu pembunuhan aja kita udh teriakteriak gamau nonton lagi......
lalu kita makan mie. dan alifa makan mie gue.
terus kita ngerjain tugas. dan alifa ketawa. itu ketawa nya tuh beneran hihihihi lucu abis gue sampe jatoh ahahhah.
terus ya terus itu adalah sesuatu yg gak perlu dibicarain semua hahaha.
"sorisori serius gue lupa"
"laras aatau siapa......?"
"sumpah serius gue gataau"
"masa lo lupa gue sih"
"kita kan dulu sahabat"
TERUS AMIRAH LES........................................
dan gue sama alifa tuh manjat manjat tangga kamar amirah dan makan lagi hahha.
terus kita keluar balkonnya amirah daaaaaaaan dada-dadain bajaj, motor, orang, mobil.
sambil teriak.
alifa alay supeeeeer.
dan amirah akirnya selesai les.
terus kita ngeliat bayangan di kamar amirah.
terus kita main truth or truth.
terus gue dijemput.
terus cerita ini selesai.

Monday, 9 January 2012

5.34 pm 1/9/2012

pertama kali dateng: bukan awal yg bagus. gue anak cewe kelas 7 pertaama yg dateng. terimakasih.
pas kn: duduk bareng amirah. HAHAHAHA jadi diaa udh tau betapa liciknya gue h0h00h. 
pas inggris: duduk bareng dian. selesai ngeerjain tugas kita nge-re-co-kin diesti sama amirah. masukin pulpen sama KENTANG ke dalem lem. kan kalo pake tangan jijik-amirah.
pas biologi: gakada hal penting.
silat: kadang22 ngomong sesuatu yg gak ada malah sakit loh mir. 
- ternyata gue cocooooooooooook jadi agen fbi. percaya deh, kalo gak percaya tanya amirah.
- #dearamirah, karma does exist sayang:) *ktwnnkshr*
- gue harap siaga 4 sama siaga 5 gkterjadi
-  serius deh gue cocok jadi fbi. asal gaada koin yg jatoh. serius deh.
- sebenernya yg cocok jadi fbi bukan gue doang, amirah juga. mungkin fira sama ara juga.
- gue gak random kook. gue itu dukung liverpool, seriusdeh.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Ini top five tentang
Segala macem.

Top5 for restaurant/cafe!

5 nanny’s pavilion
4 pasta de waraku
3 sushi-ya
2 Hangang:
1 Hanamasa

Top5 for fashion spot!
Et voila.

5 stradivarius and bershka
4 mango
3 topshop
2 zara
1 pull and bear!
Lets make it top7 for fashion spot.
6 miss selfridge
7 bloop and endorse!

Top5  horror film!

5 ladda land
4 paranormal activity123
3 insidious
2 shutter
1 the eye

Top5 must-watched-film!

5 the eye
4 pink panther
3 the invisible
2 pride and prejudice
1 orphan

Top5 for booooooks.

5 flood family
4 ghostgirl123
3 thirtheen reasons why
2 hex hall
1 molly moon stops the world

Top5 candyandchocolate

5 skittles
4 mars
3 cadbury black forest
2 sticky
1 ritter sport!

Everything’s here.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Me, moi!
Im a girl.
Twelve going on thirteen
Stop asking my age because its my real age
For now, its 2012 bytheway
Born when all the people in the world
Busy cheering out.
Its 20th february!

Im a marvelous one
Dont believe me?
Ask my dad.
And my mom.
And my sister.
And my friend.

I hate school.
Because im not good at school.
I love to play.
Because im good at that
I love my laptop
But i hate computer lessons
SOMETIMES i love to count
BUT I ALWAYS hate my math lessons
Did i mention that i hate school?

I love cheese
But i hate it when its too much
I love cupcakes
I still love it when its too much
i love to  take pictures
but being in the photos is more w0w
Sometimes i open my mouth
Its out of my control
I hate it
Because i look like a dumb
And im not a dumb
So i hate it when i look like a dumb

Still whatever


Hai monster22 berbahagia.

LIFETIME MOVIE CHANNEL FOR WOMAN from Princess in Pink by Meg Cabot.
The taking of flight 847. Jadi ceritanya ada satu pesawat yang dibajak gitu sama pembajak-__-  dan ada satu cewe namanya uli. Dia nyemangatin penumpang gitu kalo mereka akirnya bakal baik22 aja.  Di film itu uli yakinin si pembajak untuk biarin penumpang idup DENGAN CARA nyanyiin lagulagu tradisional yang bikin si pembajak itu nangis.
Ya bedasarkan pengetahuan gue, gue gatau satu lagu tradisional yang bisa bikin pembajak nangis. Dan gue rasa  lagulagu yang gue tau kaya stereo hearts gabisa nengangin siapapun apalagi pembajaak.

The abduction of Kari Swenson. Film nyata ttg biatlet olimpiade yg diculik gelandangan yang pgn nikahin dia. Iuh tapi tu cewe berasil kabur terus ikut lomba, dapet mendali emas, dan biasa si gelandangan masuk penjara. Dimana dia mungkin diharuskan mandi setiap hari.
Ya gue kan bukan biatlet BAHKAN gue bukan atlet. Jadi kalo gue diculik gelandangan paling gue Cuma nangis sampe mereka sebel dan biarin gue kabur.

Cry for help: the tracey thurman story. Jo disiksa suaminya yapokoknya gitulah dia ngelakuin segala perjuangan. Bikin polisi bersalah dan kemenangan buat orgorg yg tersiksa.
Tapi.............................. siapaygmaunyiksague?

Sudden terror: the hijacking of school bus. Bis sekolah yg dibajak. Supir nya cewe dan nyelametin semuanya. Dan ya gitulah yang jahat ditembak kepalanya.
Terimakasih sekolah gue gak ada bis sekolahnya-_--.

Miracle Landing: pramugari yang nenangin semua penumpang walaupun atep pesawat kebuka dan orgorg berdarah semua heeeeh.
Ya gue gabakal bisa ngedaratin pesawat dan ngasihtau orgorg yang kepala nya bocor mereka baik22 aja karena gue, gue bakal muntah


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

romantic prodigium by rachel hawkins!

Hex Hall. By rachel hawkins.
Ini bukunya keren bangetbangetbanget pokoknya.
Buku ttg penyihir gitu YANG SEKALI LAGI bikin entahkenapa gue mau jadi penyihir. Ya cerita nya sih 11 12 sama harpot tapi ini lebih gimana gitu.
Ya tapi emang si, semua buku yang pengarangnya ada rachel/rahel nya itu pasti bagusJ
Tapi seriusssss ini bukunya keren baanget.
Gue Cuma baca sehari padahal tebel-___- soalnya tiapkali gue mau berenti baca gue penasaran gitu akirnya gimana.

Ini buku-buku bagus yang akirannya misteri:
*      Molly moon stops the world: tentang hipnotis22an dan keren banget. Akiraannya gini: “dan molly membiarkan waktu berjalan kembali” duh.
*      Hex hall: terakirannya, “aku akan pergi ke london dan menjalani pemunahan”
*      Thirteen reasons why: “dua langkah dibelakangnya, aku memanggil namanya. Skye”

Tapi kata mbah google hex hall ada seri kedua sama ketiganya.
Bagus deh

Another book recommendation:
*      Ya sebenernya urutan nya sama kaya diatas tadi. JADI. Molly moon stops the world! Yeaaah by georgia bying.
Ini buku ttg hipnotis gitu DAN abis gue baca ini gue hampir mau beli buku bagaimana-cara-menghipnotis.
*      Hex hall by RAcHEL hawkins: sip udh dikasitau
*      Thirteen reasons why by jay asher: go here
*      Pride and prejudice by jane austen: OMGOMG ROMANTIS BUANJET
*      Ghostgirl #1 #2 #3 by tonya hurley: horror romatic ?pokoknya kece
*      Flood family #1-#6 by colin thompson: lebih ke penyihir aneh daripada penyihir serem. Tapi lucu. DAN jangan baca ini pas lagi makan.
*      Juicy gossip by gue-lupa(candy apple book): udh lupa ceritanya tapi ceritanya bagus.

born to die - lana del rey

Who me?

Feet don’t fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I’m hoping at the gates,
They’ll tell me that you’re mine

Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design
I feel so alone on the Friday nights
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you’re mine
It's like I told you honey

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let’s go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words, this is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die

Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Trying to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers honey

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die [x3]

Come on and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane...
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die

hey folks. Do you know? There are always reasons when youre friend cry. Youre one of them

Is it right? Is it right to give up? No matter how severe the circumstances may be?