Wednesday, 21 March 2012

blue jeans

lue jeans, white shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean, for sure
You're so fresh to death & sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in december, oh baby!

I will love you 'til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you 'til the end of time

Big dreams, gangster
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like, “No please, stay here,
We don't need no money we can make it all work,”
But he headed out on sunday, said he'd come home monday
I stayed up waiting, anticipating, and pacing but he was
Chasing paper
"Caught up in the game" that was the last I heard

I will love you 'til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you 'til the end of time

He went out every night
And baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause I’m a ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more-but that not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away-stole you out of my life
You just need to remember....

I will love you 'til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you 'til the end of time

Thursday, 8 March 2012

just a game

I don't know where I am
I don't know this place
Don't recognize anybody
Just the same old empty face

See these people they lie
And I don't know who to believe anymore

There comes you to keep me safe from harm
There comes you to take me in your arms
Is it just a game?
I don't know
Is it just a game?
I don't know

Pleading eyes that break my heart
So homesick and confused
But I know I must play my part
My tears I must conceal

There comes you to keep me safe from harm
There comes you to take me in your arms
Is it just a game?
I don't know
To keep you safe from my bow

Take my hand and my heart races
Flames illuminate our faces
And we're on fire
Blow a kiss to the crowd
They're our only hope now

And now I know my place
And now I know my place
We're all just pieces in their games

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Hampir satu dasawarsa aku tertanam di sini. Musim demi musim yang kulewati menjadi kenangan dalam hidupku. Banyak yang telah kulihat, kurasa. Aku ingat malam pertama ku ditanam di sini. Di sini? Ya aku berada di suatu tempat yang mereka namakan panti asuhan. Aku rasa itu adalah suatu tempat untuk menitipkan seorang anak dalam waktu yang lama, malam pertama ku disini saja sudah membuktikannya. Malam itu cerah, dan kulihat seorang wanita muda membawa bayi dengan pipi merahnya. Kupikir ia datang untuk berkunjung atau apalah, tetapi entah mengapa ia meletakan bayi itu di depan pintu dan meninggalkannya. Langkah perempuan itu cepat, saat ia memalingkan wajah, kulihat ia, menangis.
          Kejadian itu terulang selama 12 kali dalam tahun pertama ku. Bayi-bayi mungil itu tumbuh besar, dan mereka, kupikir, sudah cukup besar untuk dibilang anak 9 tahun. Beberapa dari mereka juga lebih besar.
          Anak-anak yang lebih besar menggunakan dahanku untuk membuat ayunan. Ya maklumlah, aku termasuk pohon paling kuat di sini-bukannya aku bermaksud untuk sombong-. Lalu mereka, yang lebih kecil, menaiki ayunan bergantian, memanjat dahanku, dan berteriak seolah-olah aku-sebagai pohon- ini milik mereka.
          Aku, aku selalu ada di sini. Dikala musim panas menyinari dan dikala musim hujan menyirami. Aku tahu aku senang. Aku sangat, sangat bersyukur aku ada di sini. Bersama mereka. Bersama anak-anak kecil yang semakin tumbuh dewasa. Kurasa mereka telah mewarnai hari-hariku.
          Malam itu malam yang gelap. Tak ada bulan atau satu pun bintang. Mungkin sudah sekitar jam 10 malam saat kulihat seorang anak cewek-yang ditinggalkan di depan pintu pada 5 tahun yang lalu- kira-kira 13 tahun menghampiriku. Tubuhnya masih terbalut piyama khas panti asuhan dan di tangannya yang kecil ia memegang sebuah tali.
          Ia berjalan mendekatiku sembari sesekali melirik ke belakang, melihat panti. Mata nya seperti bintang yang bersinar, seolah-olah menatap mataku. Dan saat ia menutup mata, bibirnya berkedut dan kurasa sebutir air kristal jatuh dari matanya.
          “it's okay.” Dia berkata dengan suara tersendat, “but i’m scared”
          Sekali lagi, air itu jatuh dari matanya dan diikuti oleh air lainnya.
          Terakhir kali aku melihat itu adalah 10 tahun yang lalu, saat malam pertamaku di sini. Dan kupikir anak itu sedang, menangis.
          Ia memanjat batang dan merayap ke batangku yang kira-kira tingginya 2 meter dari tanah. Anak perempuan manis itu mengaitkan tali yang ia bawa ke dahan ku-dengan keras- dan membentuk sebuah lingkaran yang cukup besar untuk memasukan kepalanya.
          Dia kenapa sih? Tanya ku berkali-kali dalam hati. Kan ini udah malem, kenapa ya dia gak bisa nunggu sampai besok aja mainnya?
          Dia kembali turun dan menaruh bangku tinggi persis di bawah tali gantungan itu. Setelahnya ia kembali naik ke batang ku.
          Kira-kira selama 5 menit ia menatap panti. Aku tak tahu apa yang ia pikirkan. Sampai akhirnya ia berhati-hati turun dan langsung menginjak bangku tinggi itu. Setelah berkali-kali menghapus air kristal dari matanya ia memasukan kepala mungilnya ke dalam lingkaran tali.
          “This just a thing that i wont regret. I never knew who my parents were. Oh God, oh please, j-ju-just forgive me.”
          Lalu ia melompat dari bangku. Tangan nya menggeliat memegang tali yang kurasa mencekik lehernya. 3 menit, kurasa 3 menit ia melakukan itu. Aku, aku ingin menolongnya! Tapi, yah, kurasa ia melakukan sesuatu yang disebut gantung diri, dan berhasil.
          Tahun-tahun berlalu dari kejadian itu. Sangat, sangat jarang ada anak-anak yang mau bermain di dahan ku lagi. Mereka lebih memilih ayunan tua di bagian lain taman. Aku bosan. Sungguh! Rasanya tidak ada yang memperdulikanku lagi.
          Saat itu malam yang gelap sangat, sangat gelap. Gemuruh petir menyambar di mana-mana. Hujan menyirami ku. Badai petir, pikirku. Lalu, dengan sangat-sangat cepat, halilintar yang membuat langit kelihatan orange, menyambarku. Dengan sepersekian detik dahan ku patah, batang ku roboh, aku hancur. Tugasku.sudah.selesai.

n the blink of an eye
I was falling from the sky
In the blur, you took my breath away
And my heart starts beating
And my lungs start breathing
And the voice in my head starts screaming
I'm alive!

You're like a laserlight, burning down
Burning down, on me
You're like a laserlight, burning down
Burning down, on me

You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You make me feel like I could live another day
You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You know I wouldn't have it any other way

(D-D-D-David G)
(Je-Je-Je-Jessie J)

You and me, face to face
And there's so much I could say
On these words, and forever seem the silence
Can you hear, that box bre-brea-breaking
And the world starts sha-sha-shaking
They keep talking, talking, talking
But we're walking, walking, to the light
Tonight, tonight

You're like a laserlight, burning down
Burning down, on me
You're like a laserlight, burning down
Burning down, on me

You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You make me feel like I could live another day
You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You know I wouldn't have it any other way

Stop...please don't stop...I won't stop
We won't stop...

In the blink of an eye
I was falling from the sky
In the blur, you took my breath away

Monday, 5 March 2012


what makes them great partners: their lovingness
what makes them weak: the unexpected, a big wish come true and/or a little bit of romance.

pisces--symbol is a fish. some "swim up" and succeed in whatever they do. some "drown" in their own sensitivity and emotion and turn into addicts and drug dealers.

worthy of getting to know; a tad bit insecure inside and very mysterious. make great friends and the kind of boss who will never yell at you

I have a wishlist. Beyond reality but i wish for :
1.   End of global warming
2.   No illuminati. Everybody pray to God.
3.   Everybody pray for our world to God
4.   The safe house dvd
5.   Bungee rope in my room (so i can do ballet in the air like lara croft in tomb rider)
6.   Lomokino, la sardina, diana f+ animal print and film each camera
7.   Diana f+ instant back
8.   Georgio armani barbie (this has been in my wishlist since i was in 3rd grader)
9.   Monster pitt seats.
10.                Refill instax
11.                Walkin rope for my dog (she ate the last one)
12.                Your head in my silver plate  (kidding, maybe not)
13.                My dad stop smoking, my lil sist stop being annoying and my mom starts giving me more money

Only number 4 that possible.

(I just edit this and i found that i cant even find safe house dvd)

Forget the times that he walked by.
Forget the times he made you cry.
Forget the times he spoke your name.
Remember-now, you're not the same.
Forget the time he held your hand.
Forget the sweet things if you can.
Forget the times, and don't pretend.

hey folks. Do you know? There are always reasons when youre friend cry. Youre one of them

Is it right? Is it right to give up? No matter how severe the circumstances may be?