Saturday 13 April 2013


once upon a time, there was a girl.
a girl who used to believe in tooth fairy.
a girl who used to think that santa would visit her house during christmas' eve
a girl who, once, used to think about happily ever after.

as she grew up, her mom kept telling her that she could be anything that she wanted to be.
as she grew up, she knew that mommy lied.
as she grew up, she understand why there was no happily ever after.
as she grew up, she started to build her own castle of dreams.

but one day....
she became older.
she understood why her mom lied.
she understood that there is happily ever after like it said on its book. but, who said together?
she understood all the mysteries of her life so far.
but she didnt understand, why people come and leave and give her such a blessing or either a lesson?

people come and go.
stay and leave.
love and hurt.

she was no longer building a castle
she built a wall, instead.
to kept her from the bad guy.
who gave the ugliest scar.
who gave the hardest lesson to learned, ever.

she tried to erase those permanent scars.
she tried to learn those hardest one.
she tried to believe that she shouldnt believe anyone, anymore.

knock, knock
someone came.
and with a single touch
the wall crumbled down

that girl knew, if she let this boy in, she will regret in in some way, someday.
but she just lets go with the waves until she crash on some corals, instead.
that waves took her to the moooost wonderful trip, ever.
inside that happiness, she had no idea that the corals were soo near.
and thats why she didnt expect to sink that early.
unfortunately, inside that dark side. nobody caught her, nobody.

those permanent scars goes deeper and deeper.
those lesson goes harder and harder.

all her castle of dreams crumbling down too.
and she scared to take another step, because it feels like every step she take is she steps on leggo.
now she believe in fairytales ending, she believe that even hope is just and illusion
she doesnt understand what happen with those up all nights, those crazy little things and where theyre gone.
she doesnt understand why she miss a people she shouldnt miss.
she doesnt understand why she could stand next to someone she had so much memories with and not saying a  thing to them.

Thursday 16 August 2012


duuuuh this is super duper late, tapi yah, seperti orang-orang bilang:
"lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali"
sebenernya udh mau buat ini dari pas liburan kenaikan kelas, tapi ada sesuatu yang dinamakan laziness dan dia menghancurkan semuanya HE HE.
jadi ini a7kaBan!

Abdul Aziz : mikirin mukanya aja gue udh ketawa, hahahabai. jadi aziz ini sangat sehati sama gue:) kita sama22 dukung belanda, dan walaupun pulang dengan 0 point di euro, kita ttp dukung belanda:'). something called loyalty.

Adeela sandria fitri aini: rambut dia panjang BGT btw. terus rumahnya pw bangeeet!!!!!! kolam brenang nya apalagi....... walaupungbsrnghehe. terus kamar nya dingin bgt tapi enak gmn gitu.

Ahmad risyad sumatrapraja (vico): ada cerita panjang dibalik nama panjangnya dgn nama panggilannya yg super gak nyambung........ dulu pas or dia pernah nyeritain itu dan gue masih ga ngerti sampe sekarang. entah gue yang telmi atau dia yang gajelas. terus btw dia dikabarin suka sama eurena gtddd. uhuuuy sweeetsweet

Amirah ramdhani: tidak ada kata yang pas untuk mendescribe amiraah ini..................... ya pokoknya gue selalu melakukan hal22 nekat sama dia entah di sekolah, rumah dia, atau luar sekolah. btw rumah dia kelewat pw. entah berapa kali gue udh kesana dan gelantungan di tangga untuk naik ke lantai2 kamarnya. nice. OIYA!!! bathtub nya dia itu ada ombak22 yang super enak terus tempat shower nya bisa dipake buat spa ala laras dan ara(y) 

Ammardito Shafaat: jadikan waktu itu ada tugas apa gitu gue lupa, terus ammar buat ferrari dari gabus dan itu super keren banget. dan super rapih. coba gue yang buat hahaha bisa kaya apaan tau yah:)

Andika fauzan putra:  DIKA!!!!!!!!! dika (boyke) ini cowo pertama yg gue kenal di 7b. dia kan lg ngobrol gitu sama diesti, terus gue nguping. sayangnya, obrolan mereka super lucu jadi gue ketawa. terus kepergok deh sama dika, akhirnyaa kenalan terus kita ngobrol. HAHAHA. btw dika jago main gitar+suaranya baguuus.

Anggia maharani prasanti: si bakso nih. pipi nya dia itu supeeeeeeeer tembem banget. teruss pas abis libur terus masuk lagi eh pipi dia gakterlaalu tembem lagi, gaenak buat dicubit lagi he he. btw dompet nya dia itu gambarnya dollar gitu, terus tiap kali dia megang dompet gue selalu kira itu uang dollar, sampe sekarang:)

Ariq daffa rafian: ARIQ HAHAHA OMAIGAT RIQQQ!!!!! semua kebegoan dia gue tau semua....... dia partner in crime gue nih forever hahahaha. duh riq riq, untung gue gak sekelas sama lo lagi ya:)

Dian setyawati: DIAAAAAAAAN!!! banyak yg udh terjadi antara gue, dian, dan rumah dian:) dari mulai bikin properti drama, bikin puding&kue, petak umpet, sampe nonton ladda land...... 

Diva aisha anjani: namanya aja udah cantik, apalagi orangnya astaga. dia ini cantik sih cantik, tapi sedikit miring yah otaknya. teman gila gue si cantik satu ini:) cepet waras ya sayang, nanti aku nyusul.

Elsa amelia: elsa ini sayang royal dan baik hati:) pas jadian, dikasih pj, aniv, dikasih pj tiap bulan, sayang pas putus gue gak minta pajak ya, pasti dikasih. banyak pahala lo sa, aminnn.

Eurena maulidya putri: eh si toa. dia ini ngangenin bgt loh btw. kan waktu itu sempet sakit terus masuk rs, dan dia gabisa toa lg saat itu. toa lo yang sangat annoying itu sangat ngangenin eur serius deeh:*

Fathiyya Shafa (ifath): E ELU. THE BEST DIA INI JIR ADUH TIDAK BISA DITAHAN OMAIGAT IFATH INI.........................gue banget. kita sama bgt hampir semuanya. kalo lagi gila, ya gila bgt. lg seneng ya seneng bgt. kalo lagi kesel/marah........ beh. tapi cepet ilang lagi kuuuuqs. sangat banyak yg udh dilewati brg anak satu ini. dan yg paling berkesan adalah, jumat tgl 10 kemaren. ga akan pernah terlupakan. sampe ngefly yagak kita fath? berasa jadi cewe yg di a team. "and in a pipe, she flies to the motherland" lainkali lagi ya bebbbbiii!!!!!

hadiitsa ayundira ganari: dira.........tanpa dira, gaada foto a7kaban yang paling memorable tercipta. love you dir, best dokum ever. gakaya salma. HAHAHA SAL, PISLOPGAWL.

Hanif Amarullah: duh, hanif. bebeb keduanya marsha. dikelas dia ini gambar mulu, jarang ngomong. dan dia pernaah jadi scooby doo. bai.

Ihsan fahri pratama: HEEEEEEEEEIHEOHOHOHEHOEH! uber alles is on the air, mr! btw san, kan top 1 lo taska, top 2 lo siapa saan? gue masih inget nih siapa!!!!! belom ganti kan? jangan pernah diganti ya ;;)

Kamilia salsabila: EH ELU. salsaaa! meloveyousomuch banget hohohoooo!!!!! dari mulai pertama kita bertemu sampai sekarang:):). rumahnya salsa ini the best evervevrvervevrvevrvevrver. gatahan. sudah terjaadi berbagai kegiatan disini HAHAHA:*. gue udh nginep 2 kali disiniiiiiii, dan udh mandi brp kali ya hm, 5 kali lebih kali disituuu. he he he. kejadian yg paling diinget brg dia juga sama kaya ifath, sangat nge fly. berasa jadi butterfly yegak saaaaa.

Karenina raihani ardiman: WOOOY HAHAHA, kangen karen:(:(:(. karen ini sgt kyut huhuhu kangen karen:( termasuk teman seperjuangan apres dan orientasi:') sayang kangen selalu.

Lovira ladiestiara: BEH INI LAGI. SAPELUUUUU. HADUUUH DIESTI INI SEPERTI NAMANYA LOV YA DIA SANGAT LOVEABLE BGT. dan super cantik banget aduh gatahan lov sama lo ih. dia juga super forever partner in crime gue!!!!!! dari mulai ngerjain orang sampe, sampe apa ya dis? inget something yang dikasih aca? inget kita ngapain yoda? HAHA ANJIR DOSA KITA BANYAK YE DIS. dari mulai nempelin doubletape ke semua benda org yang ada diatas meja ya hihi:* cepet tobat ya syg, nyusul aku. gaada partner in crime kaya lo di 8c. 

m. istiady k. :| ceritanya muka ady di segala suasana :|. dia kalo senyum itu......... cantik bgt huhu. terus hair flip nya pro banget yagak dyyyy. terus pas egp, mukanya dia astaga HAHAHAHA GAKNAHAN. udh berapa kali gue liat selama latihan dan selalu ketawa HAHAHA ADUH ADY.

Marsha Anindya: YAH ELU. YAAAH:(:(. marsha ini sangat ngangenin . gakdeng mar. useless ngangenin lo HEHEHEHEHE. kalo marsha sih motonyaa keep on dreaming, dia selalu bermimpi bisa sama louis gtd. padahal mau sama louis jg gara22 yg lain udh diambil sama gueifathsalsaara. tp akhirnya dia jd cinta louis gtd. ah dasar bombshell. btw waktu itu pernah, gue marsha salsa ifath berdiri di koridor itu pagar pembatas nya depan 7b, dan berpura22 kita 1d, dan isi lapangan itu fans kita:'). "thank you for all my fans, im not gonna be here without youuu!!!!!!"

Mochammad Fachri barmansyach:  nama dia full bgt sama ch. hem, ini temen debat gue dalam masalah bola yah fach. kita gapernah setuju soal bola dalam hal apapun. cepet kalah ya tim lo btw.

Muhammad Jodi pratama:  jodi ini sangat suka kalo ngumpulin foto aib orang. diberkatilah lo jod-__-. teruss pas voting dia menang best couple gitudeh sama dira. cie bgtttyaaaaaaaaaah.

nada audrey ayasha:  ketua kelas terbaaik? ya.. HAHAHA DREY GUE TAU LO BAIK BGT KE 7B, TAPI KALO ADA TUGAS ITU LO EMG THE BEST DEH.
gue: ' drey, udh ngerjaain kan pasti? pinjem bukunya dong."
audrey: 'ah ngapain, males gue. mending ini *ngelipet origami*. udh22 gausah kerjain. males.'
love audrey forever drey.

Nadhira yasmin: eh elu min. yasmin ini super sehati bgt sama gue!!!!! gue suka harpot, diaa juga. gue suka hunger games, dia juga. gue suka one direction, dia juga. aduuuh!!!!! yasmin ini juga cantik bgt mirip isabelle furhman BGT. dan ya , dia kaya diva. sangat gila:)

nurul rizky: ini lagi. temen berantem gue hihi nur kita berantem mulu ya, tapi i tetep love u forever and ever nur. dan karena kita sekelas lg, kita berdua harus sabar dengan diri msg22 ya. lov

rahel laras monique t.: hai ras.

rizkyandra wintantomo: kyan? anky! coba dibalik. hahaha got it? sangat unik nama org satu ini yah. aduh nky, lo itu sama kaya ariq. gue tau kejelekan nya semua. gakdisangka tau anky dr mukanya sih a, ternyata aslinya z. duuuh nky nky.

Roshani ayu pranasti: hey rue. deep in the meadow bgt ya beb:) btw asti!!!!!! cinta asti bgt!!! dari mulai awal sampe akhir hohooo ti ti mewuffu lah pokoknya. cepet belo ya sayang, jangan merem mulu doong. ayo bangun bangun!!!!!!!

Rozan Rizqulloh S. : sama kaya anky dan ariq. gue tau aib lo bro. jangan judge rozan dari mukanya. karena sangat gak cocok dengan aslinya.

Salma Immala: heyooooo dokum jadijadian:) hello glimmers. partner in crime dalam drama dan partner in gewla dalam asli ya sal. kita harus ngedance brg nih kapan222. tapi jangan pake kesandung tas ya sayang, harus lebih hati22. excited boleh, tapi jangan terlalu bersemangat. luv.

Sannia athira tyanda: eh elu, sebagai sekretaris absen san, lo itu paling banget absen. alpha lagi. duduuuuhhhhduh saaan. gue tau lo jadi model pas bukber kemaren, tp jangan jd sombong ya sama laras. loveumuch.

Siti raihanah syadza ravindya parawansa: YEEEEY GUE AFAL NAMA LO RAI HIHIHI!!!! namanya panjang, pantes cantik nya juga panjang umur ya rai:) mama kakak adek  rai cantik semua. how lucky your family. berbedaa dengan yasmin dan diva, raina ini cantik putri solo yang ayu gitu ya gak gila:) tapi ttp directioner hahaha gawl.

Taska amani zakaria: WIIDIIIIH SAPE NIIIH? katniss? deep in the meadow bgt ya gewla. gasempet minum apatuh namanya obat sariawan, jir apatuh lupa. ENKASARI OMAIGAT HAHAHAH. mati gue kan keren, gakayaa lu, gue mau bunuh lo kegelian.. galucu bgt task. taska ini........... gakkebagian menjadi pacar imagine nya 1d HAHAHA, zayn diambil ara sih ya:):) jangan sedih sayang.  btw tasca_cutie_purple. terus apalagi sih aduh gue ngakak mengingat ya task. jauh lebih parah dari rashya smarty, disney dian, dan miss.tentoea&miss.monique HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH.

Visco asmara hadi: orang pertama yang gue tau yang suka sama newcastle. karena sebenernya gaada yang patut disukain dr klub itu........ haha pis vis

Yogasatya adikhansa: yoga........... master at both football and basketball bgt deh diaa. dan dia udh pake behel dr kapan tau, gue baru nyadar saat yg lama kemudian. hebat.

Zahra rashya zhaffira dewanto: WOY ELUUU AHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! aduh ara, banyak sekali kejadian gila bersama mu raa. sama kaya ifathsalsa, yg paling berkenan itu jumat kemarennn!!!!!! pas nobar juga HAHAHAH. pas lg di telaga sampiran juga!!!!!! aduuuh ara!!!!!!!:*:*:*:*
gini kenalan kita ra:
gue: haai nama lo siapaaa?
ara: araa!!!!! :D:D:D
dan abis itu gue ngevote lo jadi ketua kelas:)

cerita persahabatan yang diawali dengan 40 anak, diteruskan dengan 37 anak, dan tidak pernah akan selesai:)
matahari kita ada 37 terus pelangi kita ada 37 warna ya kawan:)

Thursday 5 July 2012

hahai. jadi sebelumnya kan gue udh ngepost tentang hal ini juga, terus internet error gitudeh jadinya cuma setengah cerita doang yang ke post. hooo bete gak sih. jadii gue mau ngasih tau kenapa gue suka dengan mereka mereka ini:
yang bertempat disini:

jadi mari kita flashback ke taun 2010, jaman22 nya world cup. karena gue gangerti bola itu gimana dan gue pengen suka nonton bola, soalnya gue sering liat org nonton bola itu seru seru banget kan. akhirnya, bokap gue bilang gue dukung belanda aja. yaaa akhirnya gue dukung belanda.
terus gimana sih, lo dukung tim yang pertama kali lo suka tuh kayanya gimana gitukaan-__-. gue aja belom suka belanda saat itu sampe gue nonton pertandingan pertamanya. selanjutnya jadi cinta HAHAHA. 
kok jadi belanda.......... gue waktu itu juga lagi suka banget sama nomor 4. gue nonton hampir semua penyisihan di worldcup cuma buat liatin pemain yang nomornya 4. gue tuh nyari pemain no4 yang jago, ganteng, hot HAHA dan lainlain. 
banyak org22 yang bilang kalo inggris tuh pemainnya jagojago DAN ganteng. akhirnya gue bangun tuh jam 2 pagi buat nonton inggris. waktu squad nya muncul............
paling depan............... ganteng, ganteng, ganteng. pake gelang kapten DAN nomor 4. HAHAHAHA. terus namanya gerrard gitukan. dan, baru beraapa menit gitu akhirnyaa dia ngegolin. HAHAHAnjrit gue cinta banget sama ini orang!!!!!!!!!!!! abis itu gue udh kaya fangirling gitukaaan. gue nanya gini ke bokap gue:
"yah, itu gerrard timnya apasih (maksudnya di barclays)? kok ganteng?"
bokap: "ituloh yang waktu itu kamu nonton timnya terus kamu tidur."
LOH? ayo kita flashback ke 25 mei 2005.
jadi bokap gue lg nonton tv. ini gue ceritain pake pemikiran otak 6 taun gue aja ya. terus gajelas gitu nonton apaan, isinya ijo semua terus ada org kecil22 pake baju merah&putih. ngejar22 bola. haduuu gajelas banget deh ya pokoknya. terus gue nanya gini ke bokap:
"yah, ini apaan sih?"
"ini nonton bola." terus gue nonton sebentar. eh terus pokoknya ada gol. terus bokap gue teriak :" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" kenceng gitu sambil facepalm lebay.
gue: "emang ayah dukung yang merah(lvp)/putih(milan)?"
bokap: "yang merah."
gue: "kok ini bikin ngantuk sih yah? aku tidur dulu ya."
terus gue tidur. jadi itulah cara gue bisa tau sama liverpool.
karena gerrard. semuanya karena gerrard. 
terus gue SENDIRIAN yang dukung lvp di sd gue, haaaaaaaaaa. males banget. dan karena waktu itu lvp sempet peringkat 18, gue dgn nekat nyanyi we love you liverpool we do di tengah lapangan dan alhasil dikataakatain dengan anak22. huhu kasian, ya bodo. teruuuuuuus, gue masuk labsky. HAHA belom kenal siapapun. abis itu gue kan kel 10 mosnya, sebelah gue kel9 kannn.
terus moto di nametag gue itu ynwa, pas gue nengok ke kiri. ada anak cewe, namanya aisyah. terusssss motonya ynwa juga HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dan gue lsg sksd.
"hai, lo suka liverpool?"
aisyah: "eh hai, iya. lo juga?"
gue: *nunjukin nametag*
terus mukanya aisyah lsg kaget bercampur seneng gituu dan yang gue yakin gue juga pasti sama HAHAHA. 

btw ive got something:

Friday 29 June 2012


A Liverpool fan, an Arsenal fan and a Man Utd fan were all in Saudi Arabia, sharing a smuggled crate of booze. All of a sudden Saudi police rushed in and arrested them. The mere possession of alcohol is a severe offence in Saudi Arabia, so for the terrible crime of actually being caught consuming the booze, they were sentenced to death! However, after many months and with the help of very good lawyers, they were able to successfully appeal their sentence down to life imprisonment.
By a stroke of luck, it was a Saudi national holiday the day their trial finished, and the extremely benevolent Sheikh decided they could be released after receiving just 20 lashes each of the whip. As they were preparing for their punishment, the Sheikh suddenly said: “It’s my first wife’s birthday today, and she has asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping.”
The Arsenal fan was first in line (he had drunk the least), so he thought about this for a while and then said: Please tie a pillow to my back.” This was done, but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes before the whip went through. The Arsenal fan had to be carried away bleeding and crying with pain when the punishment was done.
The Man Utd. fan was next up (he almost finished a half-can), and after watching the scene, said: “Choice! Please fix two pillows on my back.” But even two pillows could only take 15 lashes before the whip went through again.
The Liverpool fan was the last one up (he had finished off the crate), but before he could say anything, the Sheikh turned to him and said: “You are from a most beautiful part of the world, your city has some of the best and most loyal football fans in the world. For this, you may have two wishes!”
“Cheers mate, your Most Royal and Merciful highness”, The Liverpool fan replies. “In recognition of your kindness, my first wish is that you give me not 20, but 100 lashes.”
“Not only are you an honourable, handsome and powerful man, you are also very brave. “The Sheik says with an admiring look on his face. “If 100 lashes is what you desire, then so be it. And your second wish? What is it to be?” the Sheik asks.
“Please tie the Man Utd. fan to my back.

Monday 25 June 2012


hai................. jadi ya ini tentang euro 2012 yang sangat bikin gue brokenhearted. karena pada awalnya gue dukung mereka:
terus. mereka kalah dengan 0 poin. HAHAHAH PINTEEEER. terus akhirnya gue mau beralih hati tapi gabisa </3. sebenernya mau ke:

tapi karena berbagai alasan jadi gamau.
dan akhirnya gue beralih hati ke inggris. karena:
dan setelah lolos ke quarter, inilah yang terjadi:

gaada yang bisa ngalahin broken hearted gue. gatau gue udh broken bgt sama euro taun ini </3. 
jadiii karena udh fix bgt final jerman spanyol. jadi gue memutuskan untuk mendukung wasit. semoga ganteng luphluph

Tuesday 19 June 2012

insiden kecoa.

HAHAHAHHA gue belom menceritakan "insiden kecoa"
sebenernya ini bukan kejadian, tapi lebih tepatnya itu insiden. jadi insiden ini terjadi waktu mau pulang ol.
jadi waktu pulang itu kan naik tronton, gue setronton sama: aisyah, salma, rani, echa, rayaning, nurul, hasna, aul, arvin, satria, ryo, raehan, sahab, aduh aku lupa lagi maaf ya -___-.
nah tronton itu kan tinggi gede, jadi kalo lewat rumah warga itu kena atep nya. terus ada warung, di warung nya itu ada terpal, dan di terpalnya ada kecoa. dan ya lo bisa menebak ya apa yg terjadi selanjutnya.........
yaaa benar sekali, kecoa nya masuk ke tronton lewat jendela. lsg ke belakang rani gitukaaan, dan rani kayak gini:
soalnya dia lsg jatoh dr tempat duduk gituuu.
terus karena kecoa nya jauh dari tempat gue, gue biasa aja kan:
dan..................................... kecoa nya mendekat. HHAHAHAHAHAH laras mulai takut. terus gue mulai kayak gini:
yang terjaadi selanjutnya rumit diceritakan. tapi ini lah yg terjadi:
- semua org yg duduknya satu baris sama gue lompat ke barisan lain.
- raehan bediri dan berniat ngusir kecoa.
- gue berdiri waktu belokan dan nabrak raehan, satria. terus TANPA DISENGAJA gue jatoh ke sahab.\
terus sahab ngusir gue kan, akhirnya gue duduk sebelah dia.
terus kecoanya berhasil keluar tapi semua anak barisan gue masih nyempil di barisan depan kita. akhirnya gue diusir sama satriaraehansahab (perlu diketahui kalo mereka satu kubu) dan gue balik ke tempat gue. 
pas suasana udh sunyi, tiba22 satria teriak : "laras itu dibelakang lo!" raehan: "kecoanya!"
semua org barisan gue otomatis teriak. 
yang terjadi setelahnya itu adalah BELOKAN DAN GAJLUKAN. dan secara ya tronton gaada softbreaker nya gitu, akhirnya pas belok dan gujlukan gue berdiri gitukan. dan gue hampir jatoh.
dan pas gue liat satria ternyata dia lg ketawa:
dan gue tau kalo gue dikerjain. kenapa mesti gue astaga-_______________- dan gue jadi kayak gini ke satriaraehan:

dan mereka kayak gini:

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, kemaren gue kesel banget sama insiden itu, tapi kok sekarang jaadi lucu banget HAHAHHAHAHA. gak lucu.
terus abis itu gue tidur kayak gini:
pokoknya lelap sampe jakarta


Monday 18 June 2012



1. What's your name: laras
2. How tall are you: not sure wether its 155-158
3. What color are your eyes: brown
4. What color is your hair: mostly black but theres dark brown too
5. Are you Male or Female: f
6. What is your best feature (physically): not sure
7. What's your shoe size: 38/39
8. Glasses, yes or no: n
9. Did you ever have braces: n
10. On a typical day you are wearing: shirt, pants
11. When you go to bed you're wearing: sometimes pajamas
12. work out/exercise about how often: once a week maybe

1. Name five of your favorite bands: 1D, arttm, never say never, westlife, big itme rush
2. Name five of your favorite singers: harry styles, zayn malik, niall horan, louis tomlinson, and liam payne
3. Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop: moments, more than this, if i die young
4. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now: From hate to love From love to lust  From lust to truth I guess that's how I know you
5. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago: my love, theres only you in my life, the only thing thats pride.
6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio: 104.40
7. What's the last CD you bought: none
8. Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix: none
9. Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do: justin bieber-__-
10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be: one direction
11. Name one band/singer you absoulutely can't stand: kesha, demi lovato
12. Name a group you use to like but feel you've grown out of: cunyien :’)


1. Name your favorite actor: joshhutch
2. Name your favorite actress: keira knightley
3. Name your favorite television show right now: ppl
4. Name five really cool movies you've recently seen: thg, orphan, the eye, cats&dogs2, monte carlo
5. Your favorite canceled television show: none
7. Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently: dark shadows-__-
8. You would never watch a movie with: my parents
9. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: none
10. Three favorite tv channels: mtv, mtv, mtv.
11. Favorite reality show: deal or no deal HAHAHHA
12. Favorite character on a reality show: allison dilaurentis

(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)

1. coffee: my dad
2. dog: agatha
3. slut: SSSH
4. candy: jelly beans
5. pole: north pole
6. ocean: pacific
7. brave: kenapa kepikiran dipenogoro
9. cookie: nastar.......................
10. death: heaven
11. life: nice
12. child: 3

(bold the one you prefer)

1. Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life
2. Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects
3. A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache
4. Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge
6. No television OR No music
7. No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever
8. A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii
9. An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one
10. No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry
11. Sex without love OR love without sex
12. Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love


1. Are you currently in a relationship: yes. Mentally dating harry styles.
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone: yesJ
3. Are you a virgin: YES
4. If yes, how long do you plan to be one: dunno what ya mean
5. How many times have you been "in love": lil time
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: dunno
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: eyes, smile, handsomeness
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: have good sense of humor, loyal, real.
9. Biggest turn offs include: someone complain about their weight or height, shyness, chicken heart-_-
10. Your ideal date would be: dinner or movies all night long
11. You want to get married, where, when, how: hawai, 20th february 2020, in the beach
12. Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return: probably yes

(of your friends, who would you say is:)

1. The one you immediately go to with a problem: diesti
2. The most rational: marsha
3. The funniest: salma
4. The one you spend the most time on the phone with: tiff
5. The craziest (but in a good way): ifath
6. The most honest: ara
7. The purest: yasminJ
8. The smartest: nadsal
9. The most athletic: MINE.
10. The most compassionate: AISYAH.
11. The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: beh banyak. Yg ngatain belanda&liverpool.
12. The last one that said "I love you": TIKUUUU

hey folks. Do you know? There are always reasons when youre friend cry. Youre one of them

Is it right? Is it right to give up? No matter how severe the circumstances may be?